Weekly Roundup: August 6, 2021

Welcome to Paper Cat Press’s Weekly Roundup! In the Weekly Roundup, I provide links and summarized information about the crowdfunded projects, creator opportunities, and resources that have caught my eye over the week. I hope you enjoy!

WARNING! Some content below may feature NSFW content. Links will be marked NSFW! when the content identifies itself as adult material.

As a note: I am not sponsored by any company, group, or individual listed below or elsewhere on this site unless otherwise listed.

Want to jump to a specific section? Use the links below:

News || Social Resources || Awards and Prizes || Crowdfunded Projects || General/Misc. || Animation || Comics, Illustration, and More || Conventions and Events || Designers || Fan Zines || Games || Mentorships & Fellowships || Residencies, Retreats, and Workshops || Scholarships, Sponsorships, and Grants || Teaching || Voice Acting || Writing and Editing || Youth and Internships || Resources || Deals || Giveaways

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  • The “Resources” area of the Roundup is getting some remodeling. Some resources have been relocated; some have not. I’m hoping to work out a new solution for their sharing and organization in the near future. Thank you for your patience!
  • Paper Cat’s listings are largely focused on the US job markets. Do you know about resources similar to Paper Cat that focus on other countries? Please contact me and let me know!
  • Paper Cat Press now has an official mailing list! Sign up here and get notified whenever a new Weekly Roundup goes live.

Social Resources

Remember to rest, eat, and drink water when you can. Take care of yourself the best that you can. You, your presence, and your work have an incredible impact on the people around you. You should be here.


  • Nilah Magruder shared this Illustration Awards Masterlist. Scroll down to the Resources section to see even more that Nilah has contributed to the community for free. Thank you so much, Nilah!
  • The Cupcake Awards, presented by CAKE (the Chicago Alternative Comics Expo), are accepting applications until August 31. Two selected winners will receive $250 to print a new mini-comic, a free half-table at next year’s CAKE (debuting their new mini-comic), and mentor support from one of the special guest judges.
  • Comics professionals can now apply to vote in the Harvey Awards, which just announced its nominees. Voting closes on September 6.

Crowdfunded Projects

endingbutton_4 NSFW! Tab Kimpton is raising funds to publish Nectar: Trans Femme and Non Binary Erotic Comics Anthology. The anthology, themed around “Drink of the Divine,” includes 14 stories with at least one Own Voices creator on each team. Content warnings precede each storyThe stories are a mix of smutty, sweet, and silly, with romantic arcs and sexual situations that touch on different experiences on the trans femme and non binary spectrum (and beyond). Reward options include digital and physical copies of Nectar as well as copies of previous anthology Ambrosia. Backers can also gift a book to a stranger, or receive a discount if you’re on the trans or non-binary spectrum. The campaign concludes on August 7.
endingbutton_4 Zainab Akhtar is raising funds to produce ShortBox: a box full of fun and fine indie comics. The box collects 5 brand-new, stand-alone comic books that represent a broad spectrum of work in a variety of styles and approaches that explore all that comics can be—fun, serious, experimental, gross, moving, beautiful, informative, scary, and more. It also includes some sweets. The only reward option for this campaign is the ShortBox itself, and while Akhtar will continue to publish comics, this is the last mail-order ShortBox collection that will be released. The campaign ends on August 11.
theoutside endingbutton_4 Comic artist The Kao is raising funds to publish and produce The Out Side: Real Life Trans and Nonbinary Comics Anthology. The full-color comic anthology includes the work of 16 trans and nonbinary artists, who share their journeys of self-discovery and acceptance in a teen- and tween-friendly format. Reward options include digital and physical copies of the book and a special print. The campaign ends on August 12.
signalscomplete Comic creator and illustrator Deandra “Nika” Tan is raising funds to publish SIGNALS: The Complete Series. Blending mystery, comedy, romance, and action into a thrilling comic full of twists and turns, SIGNALS follows amateur (and telepathic) sleuth Mel Song as she tackles her first big missing persons case in New York City. Reward options include one or both of the full-color volumes that complete the series, a sticker sheet, art prints featuring special guest artists, an enamel pin, a t-shirt, and additional comics created by Nika. The campaign ends on August 26.
chidrawgo button_new3 Chicago-based comics group Chidrawgo is raising funds to publish I Like Robots: A Chidrawgo Magazine Graphic Anthology. The full-color, 8.5 x 11 inch magazine features 170+ pages of brand-new robot comics, illustrations, and more from over forty Chicago-based creators. Campaign rewards include digital and physical copies of the anthology magazine, a small robot figurine, and original wall art made by robots. The campaign ends on September 3.

Please check the Comics section on Kickstarter to find even more creative crowdfunding campaigns to support.



Animation Resources:

Check this list of animation and gaming jobs worldwide. You can find a directory of currently open animation jobs at animatedjobs.comSee Entertainment Careers for more listings.

Comics, Illustration, and More

  • DisabledCartoonists.com has launched! Submissions at CartoonistsofColor.com and QueerCartoonists.com have reopened. Thank you Mari Naomi and Cameron for all of your work in creating and maintaining these priceless resources!
  • The results of the Comics Workforce Study 2019 is now available. Thank you Sasha Bassett for all of your work in collecting and parsing this data!
  • button_new3 FIYAH, a quarterly digital magazine of Black Speculative Fiction, is seeking to commission Black illustrators for their 2022 publication year. They pay $400.00 USD for original artwork, and purchase rights to First Use + 6 months exclusivity with the Artist retaining all other rights to the work. Apply with your portfolio by August 15 for consideration.
  • button_new3 The Astraea Foundation is seeking to commission an intersex designer for a potential upcoming project. Preference will be given to BIPOC and/or Global South folks. Please DM their Twitter account with your portfolio by August 16 for consideration.
  • Disabled And Here is expanding their stock collection and commissioning 5 new digital illustrations from disabled BIPOC artists. They want to work with at least 2 illustrators and will pay $600 per piece. The resulting work will be free for public use under Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution. Illustrators will also be featured in interviews. At this time, they are especially interested in commissioning artists that illustrate from their lived experience of being blind, visually impaired, and/or d/Deaf. Submit by August 21 for consideration. All artists will receive a response by September 17.
  • EMANATA is seeking young adult graphic novel submissions from agents representing comic artists living in Canada until August 30. Deaf and Disabled, POC, and 2SLGBTQIA+ creators are encouraged to submit with or without an agent.
  • Quindrie Press is accepting submissions for its 2022 comic collection until August 31. They’re seeking pitches for 36-40 page comics, complete creative teams based in the UK (with priority given to Scottish artists), and pitches from people with all sorts of comic experience.
  • WildStar Press is accepting pitch submissions (short stories or graphic novels; all genres; middle grade and older) until August 31. They will respond to submissions on May 31, July 31, and August 31. (Fun fact: Linda Kuo, who was published through WildStar Press, learned about the opportunity from Paper Cat Press! Watch their video about their experience here on Instagram.)
  • button_new3 NSFW! Nether Realms: Sci-Fi Erotica for Gender Explorers is seeking submissions from artists, writers, and teams of 7-15 page long erotic comics ready for our anthology Kickstarter launching Spring/Summer 2022. Submissions close October 1.

Check out Arts for LA, Call for Entry, College Art Opportunities, or Graphic Competitions for more exhibition, residency, and grant opportunities. Check Chris Arrant’s #ComicJobs hashtag on Twitter.

Conventions and Events

Many conventions and major events have been cancelled due to travel restrictions, guest cancellations, and preventative responses to the spread of coronavirus. Here is a list of cancelled and postponed conventions. Please check in frequently with any event you have planned through 2021. And, as always, wash your hands.

Check this list of animation and gaming jobs worldwide. Mitch Dyer shared a doc full of Game Dev jobs. Work With Indies lists game dev jobs with independent studios.


Fan Zines

Looking for fan zines to submit to? Check out Apps4Zines on Twitter.


  • Brass Lion Entertainment is filling the following positions related to the development of an action RPG with an anime aesthetic for next gen console and PC: Gameplay Programmer, Concept Artist, Network Programmer, Senior Animator, Senior Combat Designer, Senior Graphics Programmer, Build Programmer, Lead 3D Environment Artist, Principal Software Programmer, and 3D Animation Director.
  • (Austin, TX, currently REMOTE) Farbridge is seeking a 3D Character Artist, a 3D Character Animator, and an Unreal C++ Engineer.
  • button_new3 (Grand Rapids, MI) Hybrid game developer and publisher Finji is seeking a Unity Character Animator.
  • (Glendale, CA) Marvel Entertainment is seeking Art Lead for Marvel Games.
  • (Kirkland, WA) Monolith Productions is seeking a Senior FX Artist.
  • (Chicago, IL) NetherRealm Studios is seeking an Associate Animator to manage and test facial animation in-game and learn to tweak in-house and outsourced animation using Maya to obtain a higher quality.
  • Nix Hydra Games is seeking a Creative Video Editor (contractor), a Games Programmer, and a Lead Artist.
  • Playtonic is seeking a Product Marketing Manager, a Producer, a Publishing Producer, a Senior Programmer Lead, and a Senior Technical Artist.
  • (Seattle, WA) Polyarc Games is seeking an Environment Artist, a Gameplay Animator, a Mid-Level or Senior 3D Artist, a Mid-Level or Senior Character Artist, a Senior Product Manager, a Senior Technical Artist, and a System/DevOps Engineer.
  • (REMOTE) Red Thread Games is seeking a 2D/3D art generalist to join the Dustborn team, and a Studio Manager to run the Oslo office.
  • (London, UK) Rocksteady Studios is seeking a Lead Network Programmer, a Senior QA Tester, and a Senior Rendering Engineer.
  • (Manchester, United Kingdom) TT Games is seeking a Character Artist.
  • (Oval, London, UK, currently REMOTE) ustoo games is seeking a Senior Unity Programmer (contract).
  • (Montreal, Quebec) WB Games is seeking Senior Gameplay Technical Animator and a Senior Level Designer.
  • Weathered Sweater, a Black-owned interactive media and art studio, is seeking a 2D Artist/Animator to help create and edit animations for Dot’s Home, a short Unity for Humanity-funded point and click adventure game.
  • button_new3 (Chicago, IL) Young Horses is seeking a 3D Artist and a Programmer.

Check this list of animation and gaming jobs worldwideMitch Dyer shared a doc full of Game Dev jobsWork With Indies lists game dev jobs with independent studios.

Mentorships & Fellowships

  • button_new3 Meg Hunt is accepting applications for project-based mentorship from September 1 to December 15. 6 people will be selected, with at least 2 spaces reserved for marginalized illustrators; these will be subsidized to reduce or eliminate financial burden. The base price for mentorship is $750. Apply by August 15 for consideration.
  • (REMOTE) Thanks to a grant from Koyama Provides, Julia Breckenreid is offering (7) month-long sponsored mentorships for professional illustrators through Fall 2021. Apply by August 20 for consideration.

Residencies, Retreats, and Workshops

  • button_new3 endingbutton_4 Hbomberguy Studios is seeking out emerging BIPOC and/or LGBTQ+ artists in comics & illustration, animation, and video games for the Brainmind Residency. 8 residents in media arts will receive a mini-grant of $2000, as well as support through project management, guidance, and mentoring sessions from experienced professional creatives in their field, towards a project to be completed in 3 months. The residency will take place from September to December, and projects will be showcased online after the residency. 10 fellows will also be featured and awarded $500 each. Applications close August 10 at 10:00 PM Pacific Time.
  • button_new3 Sourcebooks is accepting applications for its Fall 2021 BIPOC Editorial Training Program until August 15. The fully-remote, stipend-paid training program provides a broad overview of the day-to-day work of an acquisitions editor. Broken down into three parts, the training program combines key editorial skills with valuable hands-on experience, guiding trainees through the editorial process while also giving them the opportunity to add a live project to their resume. Participants must reside in the US.
  • Light Grey Art Lab’s travel-based residencies are now accepting applications on a first-come, first-served basis. Although these residencies sound awesome, they do not come with stipends or scholarships.
  • ViciousMinutesHour is accepting applications from Black Trans folk for two Artist-in-Residence positions. The artist-in-residence opportunity pays $225 CDN per week and serves as a space/time grant, providing an additional source of income for the general work applicants do as an artist.

Check out the Alliance of Art CommunitiesArts for LA, College Art Opportunitiesor Creative Capital for exhibition, residency, and grant opportunities.

Scholarships, Sponsorships, and Grants

  • The Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Emergency Fund is sending US-based BIPOC artists and art administrators whose income has been directly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic payments of $200. Click the link to apply or to donate.
  • The Awesome Foundation offers $1000 grants on a rolling basis.
  • button_new3 endingbutton_4 City Artist Corps Grants will distribute one-time $5,000 grants to over 3,000 NYC-based working artists who have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. Apply by August 10 at 10am Eastern Time for consideration.
  • The Covid-19 Aid Funds website lists funding opportunities.
  • The Eyebeam Center for the Future of Journalism is accepting applications from artists on a rolling basis. Artists covering data privacy, the 2018/2020 elections, the role of technology in society, political influence campaigns, harmful technologies, countering disinformation, and artificial intelligence may receive $500 to $5,000 in grants.
  • Gumroad’s Creators Fund is accepting applications on a rolling basis. Gumroad will be allocating $50,000 in creative grants of $500 to $5,000 throughout the year.
  • Are you a professional freelancer experiencing financial duress? The Haven Foundation offers grants and assistance to applicants with chronic illness or injury or other career-threatening emergencies (excluding COVID-19).
  • I Need Diverse Games & McElroy Family Podcaster 101 Grants are accepting applications on a rolling basis from Black and POC podcasters (preferably beginners). Recipients will receive one of five bundles which include a Yeti Blue Microphone & a copy of “Everybody has a Podcast (Except You).”
  • The Moonrise Fund, an early-stage equity fund backing ambitious creators, is offering $120,000 to $250,000 funds. Visit this page to learn more and apply.
  • My Documented Life maintains a list of scholarships for undocumented students. (Last updated March 2021)
  • Canadian artists and cultural connectors are welcome to apply for grant funds through the Professional Development for Arts Professionals of Supporting Artistic Practice. Details on how and when you can apply are available on the page.
  • Applications for August’s round of ShortBox mini-grants are now open. Three £200 grants are available to independent cartoonists. Simply email info [at] shortbox.co.uk linking to your current site/portfolio, with ‘mini-grant’ as the subject. You *must* have a Paypal. Deadline is August 13.
  • We Need Diverse Books has reopened applications for its Emergency Fund for Diverse Creatives in Publishing. button_new3 They are also accepting applications for the 2021 Walter Grants through August 31. Applicants must identify as diverse, as per WNDB’s definition of diversity, and be a resident of the US. Applicants must be unpublished as illustrators and/or authors; this includes both trade publishing and self-publishing. Essays, short stories, and articles do not render an applicant ineligible. Applicant must be working toward a career as a children’s author and/or illustrator.

Check out Arts for LA, College Art Opportunities, or this list by ProFellow for grant opportunities.


  • (Columbus, OH) The Columbus College of Art and Design is seeking Adjunct Instructors for Fall and Spring in Art History, Art Therapy, Digital Media Illustration, Comics & Narrative Writing, and more.

Sign up to teach at Skillshare to earn royalties based on the premium member students in your class. See here for additional information.

Voice Acting

  • Manuel Ravelo is seeking a male POC voice actor with a South LA (Latino) accent and experience meeting ACX standard. The voice actor should also be able to voice multiple characters. There’s an $850 budget. DM Ravelo for details.
  • Six to Start is seeking voice talent for a number of roles. They pay £50 GBP per hour, plus an additional £25 GBP set up fee for each recording session, and can pay in local currencies if preferred.

Check the Casting Call Club for more voice acting and audio opportunities.

Writing and Editing

  • endingbutton_4 FOREFRONT Charity is accepting submissions of poems with the theme of “empowerment” until August 7. Selected entrants may receive up to $100, publication, and other prizes. There is an entry fee of $4 per poem, which supports the charity’s work in Andhra Pradesh, India to fund basic life necessities of water & sanitation, education, medical care, and empowerment.
  • endingbutton_4 Xenocultivars: Stories of Queer Growth is accepting submissions of completed speculative stories on the theme of plants and growth, featuring queer characters, written in English until August 7 at 9pm Pacific.
  • endingbutton_4 (London, UK) Litter Tiger Group is seeking two Editorial Assistants. Apply by August 9 for consideration.
  • endingbutton_4 Violet Gaze Press is now accepting submissions for its Monster Love anthology. Story should be between 15k and 20k words, and must be romance (all steam levels okay) with a HEA/HFN. Submissions are due August 12.
  • Fabian Flores Publishing is accepting submissions from agented and unagented Latinx writers, illustrators, and photographers through August 15.
  • Submissions are now open for the New Voices Award and the New Visions Award from Lee & Low Books. Winners of each award receive a $2,000 cash prize and a first time publishing contract with Lee & Low Books. Both writing contests are open to writers of color and Indigenous/Native writers who are residents of the United States and who have not previously had a children’s picture book published (for the New Voices Award), or have had a middle grade or young adult novel published (for the New Visions Award). Submissions are due by August 15 (extended).
  • The Fall/Winter 2021 issue of Oregon Humanities magazine is accepting nonfiction submissions pertaining to the theme “beyond” from writers residing in Oregon. Submissions should be received by August 22 for consideration.
  • button_new3 FIYAH and Tor.com are partnering with the LeVar Burton Reads podcast for their first-ever short story writing contest. Using the theme “origins and encounters,” submit prose works with speculative or fantastical elements. Submit by August 31 at 11:59PM ET for a chance to win cash prizes and have your story read by LeVar Burton on his podcast, LeVar Burton Reads. While FIYAH is a limited-demographic publication, this contest is open to all.
  • Blair Publishing is accepting submissions of full manuscripts for the Lee Smith Novel Prize until September 1. The winner will receive $1,000 and publication.
  • Wax Nine’s first annual Chapbook Contest is open to submissions of poetry or hybrid poetry manuscripts between 25-50 pages (max 50, including front/back matter). The winning manuscript will be selected by editor Sadie Dupuis and published by Wax Nine in 2022 in a first run of 125 copies. Chapbooks will be perfect-bound, laid out by designer Caitlin Bechtel, and printed locally in Philadelphia at Fireball Printing. The winner will receive 20 free copies, a $250 advance, and split royalties on copies sold by Wax Nine. Future printings will be determined based on demand between author and Wax Nine. Submissions will stay open until September 1. There is no submission fee. Finalists will be notified in early November with a winner announced by early December.
  • Karen Strong is seeking an unagented, previously unpublished Black writer to contribute a short story for the young-adult anthology COOL. AWKWARD. BLACK. This anthology will be published in Spring 2023 by Penguin Young Readers with a list of bestselling and critically acclaimed Black authors. The submissions call will close on September 15 at 11:59PM EST. Submissions must include a short story of 5,000 words or less, a bio (150 words or less) about you and how you identify as part of the Black/African diaspora, and a photo/headshot. The selected contributor will be published and credited in the anthology and will receive $3,000.
  • Elly Blue Publishing is accepting short fiction submissions for Books and Bikes in Space until October 1. Contributors are guaranteed a minimum $50 each as well as copies of the printed book, along with a percentage of profits from the related Kickstarter campaign.
  • Nerve Endings: Smut and Nerve Endings: Romance are accepting submissions of short fiction addressing trans and non-binary experiences of sex, sexuality, and relationships. Submissions for Romance are due by October 4 (extended).
  • The Barbellion Prize is accepting submissions of books published between November 2020 and October 31, 2021 until October 31. Eligibility for the prize is predicated on the author’s presentation of life with a long-term chronic illness or disability, whether that be in the form of blindness, MS, cystic fibrosis, dwarfism, or another comparable condition that may substantially define one’s life.

  • AbleGamers is looking for pitches about disability in video games to be featured in their newsletter and on the AbleGamers website. Financial compensation available for accepted pieces.
  • (New York, NY) Abrams Press is seeking a Senior Editor; button_new3 an Editor, Entertainment and Licensed Products, Children’s Books; and button_new3 a Senior Editor/Executive Editor, Entertainment and Licensed Products, Children’s Books.
  • (Stoughton, MA) Adams Media is seeking a freelance Editorial Assistant.
  • Anathema Magazine is seeking poetry and cover art submissions from queer/two-spirit person of color/Indigenous/Aboriginal people.
  • Anime Feminist is looking for contributors. Read here for more information. Article writers will be paid $50 per article.
  • Anime News Network is seeking Freelance Editorial Contributors.
  • (New York, NY) A new children’s imprint of Astra Publishing House is seeking an Editorial Assistant or Assistant Editor who will support the Editorial Director in publishing a broad range of illustrated books for children ages 0–12.
  • Autostraddle is seeking personal essays, feature stories, and article submissions on fashion and beauty, sex and relationships, humor, and investigative journalism, particularly from butch/masculine-of-center women, people of color, people over age 45, and trans women.
  • (New York, NY) Barnes and Noble is seeking an Associate Managing Editor for Digital Publishing & Reprints.
  • beestung is accepting submissions from non-binary and two-spirit writers. Poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, hybrids, and art with intracommunity sensibilities are welcome. Contributors will be paid a $20 honorarium.
  • (Petaluma, CA) Cameron + Company is seeking an Editorial Director.
  • (Somerville, MA) Candlewick Press is seeking an Editor.
  • Carnation Books is accepting submissions of f/f historical romance of at least 50,000 words from fanfiction authors.
  • CBR is seeking experienced writers to write on comic book news, analyses, and movie and tv show casting news.
  • Charlesbridge editors are offering free, 30-minute sessions to writers who self-identify as Black, Indigenous, or people of color (BIPOC) to discuss their manuscripts. You must enter a lottery on their website for consideration.
  • (San Francisco, CA, currently REMOTE) Chronicle Books is seeking an Assistant Managing Editor.
  • Clarksworld Magazine is looking for fiction and nonfiction contributors and pays up to $0.10 per word.
  • (Sunnyvale, CA) Crazy Maple Studio is seeking an Editor/Narrative Designer.
  • Online monthly magazine The Dark is accepting submissions from 2000 to 6000 words in length. Encouraged genres include horror and dark fantasy, but graphic, violent horror is not desired. Payment is $0.06/word for up to 6000 words. Republishing payment is $0.01/word.
  • The Deadlands, a new monthly speculative fiction magazine, is accepting short fiction and nonfiction submissions of up to 5000 words and pays $0.10/word.
  • (San Francisco, CA) Disney’s Lucasfilm Publishing Team is seeking an Editor, Children’s Publishing.
  • The Drinking Gourd is accepting pitches from Black Muslims. They accept work across all genres with a particular fondness for Afrofuturism and speculative fiction. All contributors are paid a $75 flat rate.
  • button_new3 Escape Pod, the internet’s original science fiction podcast, is seeking one or two Associate Editors (First Readers). The position involves reviewing a handful of short stories per week and provides a token payment. However, the primary benefit is reading and analyzing large numbers of short stories, and the training you receive to do so. This position is best suited for early-career authors – including the unpublished – who are looking to improve their short story craft.
  • (New York, NY) Forge Books, an imprint of Tom Doherty Associates (TDA) is looking for a full-time Editorial Assistant.
  • button_new3 (New York, NY) Grand Central Publishing is seeking an Editorial Assistant.
  • (Philadelphia, PA) The Hachette Book Group’s Perseus Books division is seeking a Managing Editor for their Running Press imprint.
  • (New York, NY) Henry Holt is seeking an Editorial Assistant.
  • Interstellar Flight Press is accepting submissions of essays, book-length nonfiction manuscripts, and BIPOC novellas.
  • Interlude Press has reopened to submissions.
  • (New York, NY) Kane Press is seeking to hire a Senior Editor to develop and acquire high-quality educational children’s books and series, with strong relationships with authors and agents.
  • Kickstarter is seeking a contract Publishing Consultant to help build greater awareness of and excitement about the platform with existing communities of self-publishing writers working on genre fiction.
  • (New York, NY) Little Bee Books is seeking an Associate Production Manager.
  • (New York, NY) Little, Brown Books is seeking an Editorial Assistant.
  • (New York, NY) Macmillian Adult Trade Division is seeking two Associate Managing Editors and a Senior Managing Editor.
  • (New York, NY, currently REMOTE) Magic Cat, an imprint of Abrams Children’s Books focused on children’s non-fiction and gifts, is seeking an Editor.
  • New Naratif welcomes pitches from freelancers in Southeast Asia (or from the Southeast Asian diaspora) about stories and issues that matter to Southeast Asia and Southeast Asians. Submissions may include research, journalism, comics, videos, podcasts, etc..
  • (New York, NY) The Paris Review is seeking an Assistant or Associate Editor to support the Senior Editor in creating the magazine’s online presence.
  • (New York, NY) Penguin Random House is seeking an Editor or a Senior Editor to acquire and edit fiction for the Dutton imprint in the Penguin Publishing Group. They’re also seeking an Editorial Assistant to join the Portfolio/Sentinel/Optimism imprint and work with bestselling nonfiction books in the business, self-help, motivation, political, and narrative nonfiction categories.
  • button_new3 (New York, NY) Penguin Random House is seeking an Editor or a Senior Editor to acquire and edit fiction for the Dutton imprint in the Penguin Publishing Group. They’re also seeking an Editorial Assistant for the Portfolio/Sentinel/Optimism imprint.
  • (New York, NY – REMOTE OK) Penguin Random House Publisher Services is seeking a Manga Editor to oversee manga titles on behalf of their client, Kodansha.
  • (New York, NY) Penguin Young Readers is seeking an Editor experienced in MG and YA acquiring and editing.
  • (New York, NY) Poets & Writers Magazine is seeking an Assistant Editor.
  • POMEgranate Magazine is accepting pitches from artists and writers.
  • (Princeton, NJ) Princeton University Press is seeking an Editorial Assistant to support two editors in the acquisition, development, and publishing of distinctive and outstanding books in history. They will serve as a liaison both between authors and the Press, and between departments within the Press.
  • (Katonah, NY or New York City, NY) Salky Literary Management is seeking an Agent Assistant to support Jesseca Salky, a founding partner, in daily administrative and creative tasks.
  • Scholastic Canada is currently interested in reviewing unpublished material by writers from underrepresented communities, including Black writers, Indigenous writers, writers of colour, writers with disabilities, LGBTQIA2S+ writers and writers who identify with other marginalized groups. They are also accepting manuscripts via literary agents.
  • (New York, NY) Scribner Books is seeking a Senior Editor who will acquire, edit, and publish a broad range of works in areas including literary fiction and narrative nonfiction.
  • The SFWA blog is open to nonfiction submissions that might be of interest to new and/or established writers of science fiction and fantasy.
  • (Boulder, CO or REMOTE) Shambhala Publications is seeking an Editorial Assistant.
  • Simon & Schuster is seeking:
    • (Cammeray, NSW, AU – seeking experienced candidates in either Sydney or Melbourne) An Editor for the local publishing team;
    • button_new3 (New York, NY) an Editor for Atria Books.
  • (Naperville, IL or New York, NY) Sourcebooks is seeking a Senior Editor and button_new3 an Editorial Assistant.
  • (New York, NY) St. Martin’s Press is seeking a Senior Editor to acquire and edit lead titles, significantly profitable fiction and nonfiction books, and adult and young adult (especially Own Voices) titles.
  • (New York, NY) Sterling Publishing Co. is seeking an Associate Managing Editor, Digital Publishing & Reprints and a Senior Editor.
  • The Temper is seeking written works, particularly from marginalized writers, that relate to sobriety, addiction, or recovery.
  • Three-Lobed Burning Eye is seeking original speculative short stories and flash fiction. Accepted authors of short stories will receive $100 and for flash fiction authors will receive $30.
  • (Portland, OR) Timber Press is seeking an Acquisitions Editor.
  • (REMOTE) Wattpad WEBTOON Studios is seeking a Senior Editor, Fiction (Contract).
  • (Los Angeles, CA) WEBTOON is seeking an Associate Editor and a Content Acquisition Specialist.
  • (New York, NY) Workman Publishing is seeking a Director of Children’s Publishing.

Writing Resources:

Youth and Internships



  • Affinity is offering its programs at a 50% discount following a free 90-day trial.
  • ArtStation is offering free subscriptions through the end of 2021. With a subscription, you can access as many ArtStation Learning courses as you like.

Remember to check ComiXologyDick Blick, Jerry’s Art-A-Rama, JoannMichael’s, and RightStuf for their weekly ads, coupons, and specials on comics and art supplies.


That’s it for this week! Look out for another post next week with these categories and possibly more. Is there something you’d like to see more of? Something you know about but don’t see here? Let me know! 


Thank you to Steven, April, Ari, C. Ellis, M Sorcier, SAWHAND, Bones, Elle, Geneva, Jesse, Abi, Amanda, Andi, Annie, BlackHairedDemon, Catherine, Char, Clorinspats, Eric, Farid, Frannie, Hedwig, Ian, Laura, M Maaike, metouji, Michi, Myfawny, Ravi, and Sheika for your Patronage!

If you enjoy the Weekly Roundup, please consider supporting me through my PatreonPaypalor Ko-Fi.

Link to the previous Roundup: Weekly Roundup: July 30, 2021

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